New to Chiropractic ?
Chiropractors are known for treating the joints of the spine but the field has evolved into a wide array of services besides spinal adjusting such as soft tissue therapy, rehabilitative exercises, and nutritional counseling.
How do we find areas of the spine that need to be adjusted? A portion of chiropractors utilize x-rays for a visual assessment of spinal curves, anatomy, and degenerative levels of the patient. Without film, other doctors depend on a visual assessment of motion reinforced by the information provided from hands-on joint testing known as palpation.
Every office will be slightly different in the examination process but we are all trained to compare the quality of movement between each vertebra. We decide if the joint needs more motion or should be stabilized using other techniques. If joint motion is needed, a quick and strategic thrust is added. If the joint moves too much, the region around that area needs to be stabilized using rehabilitative exercises without an adjustment.