Traditional Chinese Medicine
Dr. Mangano uses the Chinese medicine assessment known as meridian therapy to address muscle weakness, emotional imbalances and pain levels. Without using a needle to correct meridian channels, pressure points and breath techniques are used without any discomfort. It is included during the time frame of a normal patient visit.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) consists of many branches of health interventions that aim to restore and maintain vital energies of the body known as qi (“chee”). One of the most popular fields of TCM in America is the art of Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is an assessment and treatment technique that utilizes certain points on the skin along channels of energy known as meridians. By using pressure points along the skin, lines of movement can be stimulated to restore energy and improve the balance of your body.
The twelve main meridians coordinate with specific organs in your body and represent five different universal elements such water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Balancing these elements along with chiropractic alignments is extremely beneficial to reduce pain, stress, and emotional imbalances that can result as physical symptoms. '
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Cupping Methods
One way to expedite the healing of pinching, soft tissue injuries is to use a therapy known as cupping. Modern cupping providers use silicon or plastic cups to suction the affected tissue with a decompressive vacuum effect.
This allows muscles underneath the cup to slide past each other without pinching. With more mobility, pain receptors are decompressed and inflammation is reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
The red circles are a petechial response (redness) from the blood vessels under the skin which will show up darker in an area with higher levels of inflammation or irritation. If a really dark bruise comes up, that area “needed treatment more.”
The Five Elements Of Acupuncture
Source: Leukemia Research Foundation
The 12 Main Meridians
Source: Meridians of the Body